Looking for word-nerd goodness, writing resources and tested writing wisdom? You’ve come to the right place! Scroll through this page to find all the nerdy things that will help you take your work to the next level.

Looking to boost the productivity of your writing session? Try one of these instrumental music playlists!

Check out this podcast episode, turned YouTube video, for all sorts of Writing Wisdom, and a sneak peek at my eCourse,

The Take Action Author Plan.

Technique Tuesday

For many Tuesdays, I posted a weekly writing tip on Facebook. It was a little thing I liked to call, Technique Tuesday! As a special treat, I’ve gathered them all together! If you are in need of writing instruction or inspiration, you’ve come to the right spot! Just click HERE to see them!

Story Seedlings: The Independent Track


Everyone has a story to tell. But not everyone feels rock solid about getting started on their storytelling journey. Don't worry. I can help. 

In the Story Seedlings Independent Track, I help you work through the basic elements of your story by giving you easy to follow prompts, supported by direct instruction and awesome resources.

The best parts? You work at your own pace. And when you have completed the prompts, you get to pick 5,000 of your words (about 20 double spaced pages) to send to me for feedback!

Have questions? Email me. Have doubts? Don't!  Together, we've got this! With your idea and my help... this story will be well on it's way in just a little over a month. What are you waiting for! Ready, set, WRITE! Click HERE to learn more and get going!

What are other writers saying about working with me?

"Fiction is a new writing format for me, and Amanda makes it a joy to learn how to do it!  She demystifies the process and breaks down the emotional barriers to creativity through a spirit of fun, imagination, and collaboration.  She also provides a process that helps you take small but significant steps towards building and refining a story. Amanda puts people at ease and immediately starts building a sense of discovery and community among any group of aspiring writers who are fortunate to come into her friendly and knowledgeable orbit."             - Jodi Vandenberg-Daves, author of Modern Motherhood, An American History

"I signed up for Amanda’s Story Seedlings. Although showing up to write every week day for an entire month is a challenge, I wanted to do this for exactly that reason. Amanda’s writing prompts are fun, varied, and cover a wide spectrum of possibilities. This was the first time that I had ever attempted to write fiction, and Amanda is very encouraging for first timers. Her prompts are structured to guide you through the awkward first steps, and as a writer, you feel so good at having accomplished the writing objective of the day. Thanks to this 30 day daily grind, I saw my protagonist in the stages of creation, and this character’s physical looks, background, passions, missions, personality flaws have been born. It’s very exciting to see that happen and I’m in a place now where I never would have been before." - Teri Holford Talpe, leader of Luna/Wwink writing group

 Word Nerd Amanda Zieba even writes about writing!

On my blog every Wednesday I share pieces of the wisdom I’ve gained about the writing world. Here are a few of my favorites! To subscribe and have these little pieces of awesomeness delivered to your inbox, click HERE.

More articles writing online, written by Amanda Zieba

Dear Writer, How do I get paid?

Dear Writer, 

I’ve been submitting my work to literary journals for a while now, and I’ve been lucky enough to get published in a few of them! While this totally boosts my confidence as a writer, the journals also aren’t paying for my work. Now that I’ve been published a few times by non-paying publications, I’d love to try and get paid for my work. Any suggestions on getting published in a paying market?


A Writer with a Mortgage

Dear Writer with a Mortgage,

How do you make money as a writer? Now there’s a million-dollar question, right? If you are anything like me, you’ve probably Googled this exact phrase (a few times) only to come back up from the black hole of the internet feeling even more lost and confused. Get rich quick schemes and advertising gimmicks blur your vision from the real goal… earning money from doing something you LOVE.

Chippewa Valley Writers Guild Interview with Amanda Zieba

This past week, I got to chat with Amanda Zieba; a young adult novel author, professor and avid writer. We talked about what she has in the works for her new publishing venture, her opportunities for writers on her website and the content of her blog. 

The Power of  Little Free Libraries for Indie Authors

As I reflect on the launch of my most recent book, I noticed that many aspects of sharing my words with the world remained the same. The typical author paranoia was present. The prolific social media posting was also there. And of course there was the incredible sense of accomplishment that overshadowed all the worries as I held the finished product in my hands.But the one thing that was different this time around was the mention of Little Free Libraries. http://littlefreelibrary.org/ 

6 Promotion Strategies for a Self-Published Author

About a year ago I found myself attempting to swim through unknown waters. I made the plunge into the self-publishing world. But now what? I have never taken a marketing class. I do not have a wise council of advertising experts to turn to for advice. I spend all day teaching twelve year olds. So what do I do with the hundreds of books sitting in my basement? Here are six ways I chose to get the word out there about my books and launch a moderately successful book promotion plan.