Sometimes All You Need is a Little Inspiration
Being an author is one of the biggest blessings in my life. I love that writing stories is my job, one I sometimes even get paid for. :) But I think I’d be kidding myself, and the rest of you, if I said it was easy all the time.
The fact of the matter is that writing can be difficult. Muses can be elusive. The publishing industry can be a cold-hearted, ghost of a boss. At times competitors seem to find the answer, the trend, the right connection, the words sooner and faster than you.
So today’s blog post is one of motivation. A little boost, to you and your writer’s soul. Hang in there. Keep writing. Tell your story. But first, pause, read these words of encouragement and know that you are not alone in your struggle and pursuits. I’m happy to ride the wave alongside you. Sometimes all you need is a little inspiration!
Psst! Jennie Nash’s eNewsletter is one of my favorite, sign up here for weekly inspiration! (It’s where I found this gem of a quote!)
Until next week, happy writing
Love, Amanda
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