Secrets to Character Creation...and a FREE BOOK!

A fellow writer (Hi Alex!) asked me an interesting question. What would make a character exceptionally loyal? I mean, loyal past the point of logic. Loyal even when they probably shouldn’t be.

Hmmm. Good question. Good, because it would require some thought, and thought is a great activity for the creative brain. Good, because the answer to this question would make her story so much better. Even if this information doesn’t make it into Alex’s final manuscript in an extensively detailed backstory moment, the knowledge of why her character acts the way he or she does will positively impact this character’s creation as a whole. Good, because knowing why your character is the way they are will help you make crystal clear and specific choices about the decisions the character makes. Clear as mud? Great, let me explain.

A character is loyal. Why?


He never had a solid parental figure. Never had any boundaries. So once he encounters anyone who gives him attention, a place to belong with a role to play, rules to follow if he wants to stay “in”, he’s willing to do just about anything not to lose it.


He was stabbed in the back by a best friend in high school and vows to himself he will never, ever betray anyone. EVER. No matter the cost he will always be loyal, because he is a man of moral fiber. It doesn’t matter that his boss asks him to do questionable activities because his loyalty discounts all of those bad deeds.

Maybe, maybe, maybe… I list as many maybes as I can think of. Listing one option simply won’t do. The first option isn’t the right one because you thought of it first. It’s simply the first one you thought of. Often, the first explanation or solution to any question is the easiest, the most cliche. I challenge you to go further, push farther. If you can’t think of any GOOD options, make a list of bad ones. Priming the pump of thought might push you in the right direction… eventually.

When I run out of maybes for Alex I turn to one of my favorite resources: The Positive Trait Thesaurus by Angela Ackerman and Becca Puglisi. This book deeply examines almost 100 positive character traits. For each character trait Angela and Becca list: similar attributes, possible causes, associated behaviors, associated thoughts, associated emotions, positive aspects, negative aspects, examples from literature/film, traits in supporting characters that may cause conflict and challenging scenarios for the character. Holy hotbed of helpfulness!

For example, here is what the authors have to say about being LOYAL.

I asked Alex to look through these pages and she identified coming from a strict military background, and a fear of retribution as probable explanations to her character's loyalty. She also identified that the following behaviors would be a good match for her character: talking incessantly about the object of their loyalty, striving to make oneself more visible to the object of loyalty, putting the object’s needs and desires over their own, believing the best of the object of their loyalty, and dismissing negative things others say about the object of their loyalty. Match these choices up with one of our aforementioned “maybes” and we have a realistic character backstory and personality.

My personal favorite part of this guidebook is the examples from literature and film. For example, loyal characters from books/movies include: Forrest Gump, Rubeus Hagrid (Harry Potter), and Sam Gamgee (Lord of the Rings). I can take these suggestions to YouTube and watch quick clips of the characters they mention and analyze their behaviors, facial expressions, and grounding actions for myself, and then mix up an interesting cocktail of those attributes for my own character.

The Positive Trait Thesaurus is one book in a series of three that help you delve into character motivations. The Negative Trait Thesaurus and The Emotion Thesaurus round out the character resource trio. It is amazing how you can pair up two books to really get an interesting cross section of a character’s personality. For example, I looked up EAGERNESS in the emotion thesaurus and discovered a slew of physical signals and internal sensations that would be excellent additions to Alex’s obsessively loyal character.

The authors of these fine resources also recently created The Urban and Rural Setting Thesauruses. According to the description on Amazon, these beautiful books give us:

  • A list of the sights, smells, tastes, textures, and sounds for over 100 urban/rural settings.

  • Possible sources of conflict for each location to help you brainstorm ways to naturally complicate matters for your characters

  • Advice on the many effective ways to build mood, helping you steer both the character’s and readers’ emotions in every scene

  • Information on how the setting directly influences the plot by acting as a tuning fork for what a character needs most and by testing his dedication to his goals

  • A tutorial on figurative language and how different descriptive techniques can bring settings alive for readers while conveying a symbolic message or deeper meaning

  • A review of the challenges that arise when writing description, as well as special considerations that apply specifically to rural and personal settings

Let me tell you, they are already sitting and waiting patiently in my Amazon cart. Wouldn’t you love one? Tell you what, I’ll buy. :) For real. For each time you share this post on social media, I’ll enter you into a drawing. Then, next week Wednesday, I’ll announce the winner, back here on my blog. When you respond to this email with your screenshotted social media share, let me know which of the 5 thesauruses you want.

Final thoughts. Did you find this post helpful? Because I’m going to be doing this each and every day in the month of June. Story Seedlings (aka: 30 Scenes in 30 Days 2.0) is a closed online community of writers working through the beginning stages of novel writing. We will take the seed of an idea and through writing prompts, group critique, inspiration and encouragement grow it into something solid and strong. We will specifically cover the story elements of character, setting, conflict and dialogue. If you are interested… you can learn more about it here.

Alright, That’s enough for one Writing Wednesday by word nerds.

Until next time, happy writing!

Your Northwoods Writer’s Paradise Awaits!


Today I have BJ Hollars visiting the blog to tell us all about the Cirenaica Residencies sponsored by the Chippewa Valley Writer's Guild. Man do I wish I had looked at these offerings before my summer filled up. Believe me when I say I will DEFINITELY be applying for a spot next year. If you are needing a writer's escape, a push on a project, or some expert advice, settle in and read on... because BJ is about to hook you up with some knowledge on an four amazing opportunities. 

Love writing? Fellowship? Nature? And some pretty incredible food? Then Cirenaica’s the place for you!

Nestled on 43 acres of hills, farmland, and forest near the quaint village of Fall Creek, Wisconsin, our summer writing residencies promise participants an intensive yet rejuvenating experience amidst an inspiring natural backdrop. Complete with guest writers and editors, an on-site chef, and even a waterfall right up the road, we strive to provide the perfect summer writing experience for writers of all levels and genres. If your life’s filled with a thousand little distraction, there’s no better fix that three wondrous days in the wilds of Wisconsin.

During last year’s inaugural summer, our jam-packed residencies provided incredible opportunities to 60 lucky writers from across the nation. And by summer’s end, over 15 of our participants had published their work in an array of literary magazines, journals and even on Wisconsin Public Radio’s Wisconsin Life! Upon reflecting on the residency, one participant, wrote,

“I am unable to overstate the value of Cirenaica. The natural beauty of the region, combined with exquisite tutelage and talent [and the] exceptional facilities yielded the perfect storm for creativity.”

Another added:

“I used to think writing was a solitary experience, but after the residency I realized the importance of community and the energy derived from a community of writers. I entered this residency not knowing anyone and left with friends and wisdom that I will never forget.”

These sentiments are echoed again and again, confirming— for me, at least— the value of writers coming together for the benefit of their craft.

This summer, we invite you to apply! And as a special thank you, for every referred application, receive $10 off your own accepted application. Bring 5 friends and save $50! Space is limited, the deadline is May 1, so we encourage you to apply today!

This summer we will be hosting five, 3-day residencies:

 Stranger than Fiction

On Writing Narrative Nonfiction and Memoir featuring writer-in-residence Allyson Goldin Loomis (June 8-11)

 Theory and Practice of Fiction

Featuring writer-in- residence Nickolas Butler (June 22-25)

 The Art of Memoir

Keep it Honest, But Keep it Interesting with writer-in- residence June Melby (July 6-9)

 Poetry in the Shadow of Walden

Featuring writer-in- residence and former Wisconsin poet laureate Max Garland (July 13-16)

 Writing Young Adult Fiction

The Magic Formula featuring writer-in- residence Marsha Qualey (July 21-24) 

Click here for an overview of the program, here for details on this summer’s offerings and here for testimonials.

As we like to say here at Cirenaica: be inspired, inspire others.

Split Personality aka: Writing With a Pen Name

Today's guest post comes from a fellow word nerd, Donna Schlachter, who has a new book out entitled: Echoes of the Heart. Donna and I both write for Forget Me Not Romance (Champion Chocolatier's Indie Press) and I told her I'd be more than happy to spread the word about her most recent project. Echoes of the Heart is part of The Pony Express Romance Collection. All 9 stories in the collection are available in paperback now on Amazon for only $7.90. 

Donna is talking with us today (actually talking with herself) about the task of writing under two different names... her own and a pen name. It is an interesting concept that many authors consider and I found this conversation both helpful and amusing. I'll let you listen in for yourself...

Leeann, my alter ego, and I were chatting the other day.

She wanted to know why I created her.

“I was writing and hoping to publish in two different genres: historical suspense and contemporary suspense. I didn’t want to confuse my readers by writing in different genres,” I answered.

“How did you pick my name?” She wondered aloud.

“My husband’s middle name is Lee, his mother’s middle name is Ann, and my mother’s nickname in nursing school was Betts.”

“Isn’t making up a name illegal?”

“Not unless I’m trying to avoid a legal claim or defraud somebody.”

She chewed on her bottom lip, a funny habit she has. “How do you keep us straight?”

I smiled at her. “First of all, you’re cute and perky and all the things I’m not. Second, you write different stories than I write.”

“Such as?”

“Most of my historical suspense are stories about women who have made some bad choices, and now they want to straighten out their lives. Your stories are about stronger, quirkier women who are driven to excel.”

“Sounds like you,” she complimented.

Now it was my turn to chew my bottom lip. Maybe she inherited that trait from me. “But the women you write about don’t know they are strong. Or quirky. And the women I write about are just like me. Hoping it’s true that God is a God of second chances. And finding out He is.”

“So we’re different but the same?”

I patted her on the head like she was an obedient puppy. “Exactly.”

So what do you think? Are you interested in playing the pen name game? Just for fun, write your would-be-pen-name in the comments below! For extra fun, tell us what genre this new persona would tackle. 

Until next Wednesday, Happy writing, 


Author bio:

Donna lives in Denver with husband Patrick, her first-line editor and biggest fan. She writes historical suspense under her own name, and contemporary suspense under her alter ego of Leeann Betts. She is a hybrid publisher who has published a number of books under her pen name and under her own name. Her current release, Echoes of the Heart, a 9-in-1 novella collection titled "Pony Express Romance Collection" released April 1. Donna is also a ghostwriter and editor of fiction and non-fiction, and judges in a number of writing contests. She will be teaching an online course for American Christian Fiction Writers in June 2017, “Don’t let your subplots sink your story”. Donna loves history and research, and travels extensively for both.

Get in touch with Donna via any of the following social media platforms.




Echoes of the Heart:

Solstice Stanzas

This week at my writing group our prompt asked us to consider the oppositional nature of the Solstice. The dark and the light. The good and the bad. I thought about the season of winter and how, for most of it, us Midwesterners complain about the snow and ice and cold and dark and blah, blah, blah. Most see winter as a hinderance. I pondered this and then thought, what if we viewed it differently? What if we viewed the cold and darkness that kept us indoors as a blessing that slowed us down, focused us in, and helped us relax? 

Below is the poem that I crafted after the ten minute free write. I hope you both enjoy it, and use it to reconsider this season in perhaps a kinder light.