The River Road

There is a road in my hometown that changes names four times between my house and my destination. To simplify things at my house, we call it “the River Road”. I love this road because it is a straight shot from one end of town to the other (actually it cuts through/connects three towns), and also because it is complemented by beautiful natural scenery. (It has taken me two decades of training to stop at the rest area look outs, instead of getting lost in my gazing and veering onto the rumble strips!)

I also love this road as a word nerd because it is enshrined with signs from start to finish. Now, you might find these signs hokey or cheesy or small town, but I find that they are a wonderful showcase to what words can do. Words can inform. Words can lift spirits. Words can encourage. Words, when used positively, can make you laugh, smile, ponder, and reflect.

The River Road has taught me to pay attention… not just to my driving, but to the world and words around me, and the affect they have on my life. So today for my blog post, I’d like to offer you a photo essay to illustrate my point. I hope that you enjoy this small glimpse of the River Road and the words (and views) it has to offer.

In conclusion, I’ll ask you to open your eyes. Pay attention. Drive safe. Find good words, and then... share them.

P.S. In the comments below, I’d love to see a sign from your hometown.