Crush Your Christmas Chores with Canva
It’s no secret that I L-O-V-E Canva. I use the digital design tool almost daily and tell nearly everyone I know about its wonderous capabilities. Today I want to show you how you can use this gem of website to crush your Christmas chore list. The holidays are C-R-A-Z-Y and if your to-do list is anything like mine, it stretches a mile long (and then some). But if you use Canva, you can quickly cross several of those items off your list and get on to cookie eating, carol singing and whatever else your little holiday-loving heart desires.
In the video below, I will show you how to make a:
Christmas Card
Christmas Letter
Personalized Gift Tags
Unique Gift Certificates for Experience Gifts
Canvas Photo Collage Wall Art
Printable Shopping Lists for Gifts and Menus
I will also show you how to download and order these items affordably. Long gone are the days of spending almost two dollars a piece of your photo Christmas cards. With Next Day Flyers, you can get them for almost a quarter a piece!
For a quick sneak peek… here are the items I show you how to design!
You can create a Christmas Card, Christmas Letter, Personalized Gift Tags, Unique Gift Certificates for Experience Gifts, Canvas Photo Collage Wall Art , Printable Shopping Lists for Gifts and Menus and MORE!
If you are short on time and can’t stick around to watch the video, or if you already know how to use Canva and want to jump into the goodness right away, here are the links you need to get going.
(for designing)
(for ordering cards, gift tag stickers and more!)
Alrighty, that’s it! Best of luck as you attempt to crush your Christmas chore list. If you get stuck at all, email me and I’d be happy to walk you through you design debacle. If you are REALLY short on time and you just want me to do the design work for you, head to my online shop where you can pick up your Graphic Creation Package. All of my Thanksgiving Weekend Sales have ended, but I’ve kept this single item on sale at 20% off, just for YOU!!
Happy holidays my word nerd friends!
~ Amanda
Today’s post was made beautiful by CANVA. You can check out my blog archive collection here.
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