A Word Nerd Turned Enviro-Geek's Experiment with Bamboo Toilet Paper
How can I change my daily habits to benefit the planet?
Where can I find eco-friendly household products?
In addition to being a word nerd, I am a pretty big geek when it comes to the environment. I am also borderline obsessed with recycling. Sometimes writers write about writing, and other times they use their words to share a message they believe in. Today is the later. This isn’t the first time I’ve used my blog space to write about my love of the planet and the efforts I think we should be taking to protect and heal the earth. In past blog posts I have written about…
This post was inspired a few weeks ago when I saw this fact while scrolling on Instagram.
It honestly made me sick to my stomach. I love trees. Not only that, but they are vital to our fight against global warming. But don’t take my word for it, listen to what Greta and George have to say about it.
The dirty toilet paper truth, state above, was shared by the company, Grove Collaborative. I appreciate their work to raise awareness around this issue, but even more so, I appreciate what they were trying to do to solve the problem. In addition to selling products that are eco-friendly, they also created a line of household products to replace the one that are made from trees that are currently used by most Americans.
Seedlings is a line of paper products created by Grove Collaborative that are made from bamboo. In addition to saving trees, bamboo creates 35% more oxygen throughout its growing process than trees.
“Seedling bamboo is responsibly grown on family farms in China where it doesn’t need fertilizers or pesticides. Unlike other harvested bamboo, Seedling’s bamboo is not a source of food for panda bears.”
As amazing as this is, Grove Collaborative goes even one step further. For every 100 rolls of Seedling toilet paper that is purchased, GC plants one tree. To date they have planted over 215,000 trees with goals to plant 1 million trees by 2022.
I didn’t need anymore information. I was all in. I created an account and filled up my cart. Because I was a first time buyer, I got tons of freebies. For the bargain price of $50.43, I got everything pictured below (except the toilet paper stand). With this single purchase I was able to stock my bathrooms and kitchen with a two-month supply of products. Want to know something else cool? Not one of the items was shipped in plastic or plastic wrapping. Everything that came to my house was in a reusable or recyclable container.
Sometimes you have to pay a lot more to protect the planet, but not with Grove Collaborative. Check out this price comparison. (Also keep in mind that Grove says their rolls last up to 3x longer than competitor’s products.)
So far, my family and I have really liked our purchases from Grove Collaborative. The toilet paper has gotten zero tush-complaints and I am in love with the glass bottles and cleaning concentrates, especially the counter spray. If you are at all interested in making some eco-friendly switches in the way you clean your house (and body), then I would highly recommend giving these products a try. Like I said before,
Sometimes writers write about writing, and other times they use their words to share a message they believe in.
I share these facts and alternatives not because I think EVERYONE MUST BUT THIS PRODUCT or make thoughtful changes to their daily habits, but because I can’t help but wonder, what kind of an impact could we make if everyone did.
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Today’s post post was made beautiful by CANVA and is categorized in my blog archive under Environmental Posts. Check out the entire collection here.
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