Brandon Sanderson: A Mind-Blowing Font of Productivity and Story
If you are a fantasy reader, there’s a pretty solid chance that you’ve heard of the author Brandon Sanderson. But, if not, maybe you haven’t. Whether you’ve heard of him or not, isn’t really the point. The point is, Brandon is an author who has completely rewritten what is possible within the writing and publishing industry. Truly, this human and his literary feats are mind-blowing. Today on my blog I’m going to share four facets of him, his work and the ways in which he continues to conquer the writing realm, one new book and idea at a time.
Why? Because successful people inspire others to follow in their footsteps by showing what is possible. Going to the moon, traveling around the world in 80 days, being a mom who also works in a career she loves, building the pyramids, saving enough money to take your family to Disney world, running a sub four minute mile… once we see it is in fact possible, our brain’s ability to journey to that destination becomes just a little bit easier. Sure, we still have to put in the work, but that first step (even though it isn't even our own!) has been taken.
Today I want to share Brandon’s habits and literary talents in hopes that his accomplishments redefine what you as an author deem possible.
Progress Thermometers
Brandon keeps track of his projects via a set of thermometer styled tracking images on his website. These progress-meters let readers know what he is working on and how close he is to sharing each story with the world. I find these ever changing graphics ingenious. In a single swoop Brandon is able to monitor his progress and communicate with his fans. When I’ve used this tool myself I find it motivating to inch closer and closer to my goal. I also find the productivity and sheer magnitude of Brandon’s output awe-inspiring.
In addition to writing, Brandon is also an adjunct instructor at Brigham Young University. His ability to do both careers simultaneously, and do them well, gives me hope that I can do the same.
“Once a year, he spends four months teaching a creative writing class at Brigham Young University as an adjunct faculty member. Like most creative writing classes, 80-90 percent of the course is focused on the craft, helping students improve their writing abilities. But the other 10-20 percent is what sets Sanderson apart from the rest — he talks business.”
I know it’s not rare for writers to have a different “day job” but that this man’s path is similar to mine (in the aspect of teaching part time while writing) makes me feel good. Also, know that he doesn’t have to do this for financial security, he just chooses to!
Another way Brandon generously shares his writing wisdom with the world, is through his podcast, Writing Excuses. (I wrote more about this podcast here.) This podcast, the tag line of which is: “Fifteen minutes long because you’re in a hurry and we’re not that smart,” is in it’s 15th season. If you are looking for some help in the writing craft department, the show’s archives are a great place to go digging for solid suggestions. If you’d like to say thanks to Brandon for all of this writerly goodness, you can donate via Patreon, here.
Despite all of the incredible accomplishments I’ve already listed, perhaps the most notable thing Brandon has done is launch the most successful Kickstarter campaign ever. Leaning on his ability to write prolifically, Brandon used the time at home during the pandemic, time he would normally have spent traveling, to write five books in secret. He is now releasing them throughout the year ahead. He launched the endeavor through Kickstarter and to date, has raised 36 million dollars for the project.
For comparison, Suzanne Collins (author of, among many other things, The Hunger Games) has a net worth of 80 million. JK Rowling’s net worth is 670 million. I realize these numbers are quite a bit higher… but think about it, those numbers are a compilation of earnings from a career worth of books and subsequent film adaptations, not to mention merchandise and theme parks built on the foundations of their imaginary worlds. For Brandon to pull in this kind of cash for a one time purchase, is incredible. Even more incredible?!?!? These books will be independently published! The next closest success story when it comes to self-published riches is E.L. James, author of 50 Shades of Grey, who made 10.5 million from book sales.
I know comparison is the thief of joy, but I share these pieces of information simply to show you the magnitude of this accomplishment. No longer do authors need to solely envision vivid daydreams of a traditional publisher writing them a fat check. Brandon has proved, with authority, that massive financial success is possible outside of the institutional publishing boundaries. To learn more about Brandon’s Kickstarter campaign, click here.
To close out this post, I’ll say that I have barely scratched the surface of this inspiring writer, and to do your due diligence, dig in and learn a bit more on his website or pick up one of his books. I promise you’ll leave the experience impressed and hopefully inspired as well.
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