The Word Nerd on Audiobooks and Podcasts
I may have taken on more than I can handle. My to-do list is usually quite large, but lately, it feels, almost… insurmountable. I mean, I know it isn’t, but even just the logistics of figuring out how these tasks I’ve agreed to complete is going to take… a lot.
Which means, that my free time is going to be somewhat limited. (Don’t worry, I’ll still get plenty of reading in at the ball field… or ball fields… that I’ll be visiting… almost every night of the week!). But if you aren’t like me and don’t have bleacher time programmed into your life (and time to read during warm ups and pitching changes) then, I’d love to recommend you take up listening to consume stories and knowledge instead.
In fact, if it weren’t for my time at the ball field or during bi-weekly plasma donation, I’d hardly ever have time to pick up a book. Even with those daily practices, most of my literature consumption (not to mention professional learning) happens via my ears. I love, love, love audio books and podcasts. To me, they are multitasking at their finest! I listen while I drive, exercise, fold laundry and get ready each morning.
If you are finding your life short on stories and craving them despite the time constraints in your life, give an audiobook or podcast a try. Or perhaps you are an author and curious about how to make your own audiobook dreams come true. Either way, I’ve got you covered with the information in these three past blog post articles.
Happy reading and listening!
~ Amanda
3 Reasons Audiobooks Rock
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