
Sometimes you need a little pep talk, a little boost, some words from someone who’s been where you are or want to be or was at one time. Or maybe you just want to hang out with a fellow word nerd for a bit and listen to her wax on about your shared passion: written words. This is the place for that and I’m glad you are here. If you like what you see, click here to subscribe to my blog and receive a weekly dose of knowledge, inspiration and word nerd resources delivered to your inbox.

~ Amanda Zieba


Inspirational Blog Posts

Why Do We Write?

Why do we write? If I’ve learned anything over the last (near) decade I’ve spent in the industry it’s that very few are making money in the writing world, at least, not in the amount we often assume they are. Not writers, not agents, not publishers and definitely not booksellers. Sure there are a few household names who rake in good cash and I guess the BIG 5 (publishers) are doing alright, but if you’re looking for a field in which you can become rich and famous, writing isn’t really the one I’d recommend going after. So why do we do it?

I know not all people are motivated by money. Many people choose a career based on fulfillment and passion rather than the paycheck, so we writers aren’t alone. But every so often I think it’s good to remind ourselves why we do this writing thing.

The Relevance of Fiction

In February I listened to the audiobook of Red, White and Royal Blue by Casey McQuisten. It had my thoughts all stirred up – the sign of a good book – and so I wanted to journal about it. As the events of the past week have unfolded, the thoughts felt relevant enough to share. So here they are, on my blog… out in the world where I hope they will find a home in your head and in your heart.

I am a straight, white, thirty-something wife and mother of two, living a middle-class life in the heart of the Midwest. Alex, the main character in Red, White and Royal Blue, is a bisexual Hispanic, twenty-something from Texas, hell bent on a career in politics, living as the First Son, in the White House.

I know that I am a real human being and that Alex is a fictional character, but if we suspend reality for a second and pretend he was a living, breathing person, it is highly unlikely that our paths would ever cross. Anyway, the point is, the relevance of fiction is that through this story, I could live in Alex’s head. For the twelve hours and fifteen-minute duration of the audiobook I was able to experience Alex’s hopes, dreams, fears, and musings. Through fiction I was able to empathize what it feels like to be a minority, to wonder at the role sexuality plays in acceptance and self-worth. I was able to relate to a person whose life is vastly different from my own and I got to root for him in a low stakes, individualized experience without the pressure and noise of anyone else’s opinions bearing down on my own.

Untamed: A Word Nerd Book Review

I read Untamed in less than a week. Devoured would probably be a more accurate term. This book made me sit up and pay attention to life, to myself, to my family, to our world and the messes we get ourselves into.

I don’t agree with everything Glennon shares in the book, BUT, that didn’t really matter. Glennon shares her life experiences and thoughts in a way that made me think about how I personally felt about the topics she was presenting. However, more often than disagreeing or being forced to come up with my own position, my insides shouted, “YES! THIS!” and my pen came out. I have not underlined a book this much since I read Big Magic, by Elizabeth Gilbert, who coincidentally enough (or maybe, not?) is a good friend of Glennon’s and makes a few cameos in this book. I loved the things I’ve underlined SO MUCH, that I wanted to record and reflect on them. I wrote each quote in my journal. I post-it noted several chapters for my husband to read. I went to an in person book club (yes, my first post-covid book event, and it wasn’t even my event) to talk about this book with other women. Upon visting Glennon’s website while researching this article I discovered her store and immediately purchased all sorts of UNTAMED SWAG. Yes, it really is THAT good.


Success Could Be As Close As Lunch Time

I know that I chose this road… the path of a partly self employed authorprenuer. And while there are many parts of this lifestyle I love (time to work on my writing and flexibility for my family top the list), I’m starting to feel a bit tired. I find that after almost nine years, I’m still searching for the keys to success.

Try Not to Be Afraid: Advice from the Grammys

If I am 100% honest there is something that makes me even happier than writing. It’s singing. I grew up surrounded by music. I was in church choir from a young age and spent most of middle school and high school in a glorious musical experience my neck of the woods calls show choir. (Not to mention regular choir class as well.) Watching the Grammys and hearing the performances of today’s biggest and brightest stars always fills my heart in a way that few other things can. No, that’s not true. I get the same feeling when I sing at the top of my lungs in my car, or from the pews at church.The difference between writing and singing, for me, is that singing is something that scares the bejeezus out of me. So what’s the point?

Gifting Yourself Grace

I know that my posts on here are usually about writing, but this one is about the WRITER. It’s about the human who creates the stories and what she does when the world pisses on her hard earned money.

A Poem of Gratitude

Almost exactly a year ago I posted a list of writing-related things for which I am grateful on this blog. It is a lovely list and almost everything on it remains a solid and beneficial impact on my life… writing or otherwise. I thought I might make a second edition of this list, but after reading the original, I’m hard pressed to come up with anything that I didn’t already include. So instead, I’ll leave you with a Gratitude poem.

This Time Will Be Different

The writing world can be a frustrating place at times. The normal rules of business communication often do not apply. The speed at which our modern culture moves seems entirely absent amongst the methodical plodding projects in the publishing realm. The people in charge, the feedback, the validation are forever seeming beyond arm’s length, behind closed doors and maddeningly out of reach. I mean, in what other industry do people straight up tell you, “We’ll likely take six months to respond, and then, only if we are interested”???

And yet, here I am. Here we are. Writing, submitting, hoping. Either gluttons for punishment or humans with dreams who refused to be deferred, we stay in the game. We keep showing up, trying, writing.

Sometimes All You Need is a Little Inspiration

Being an author is one of the biggest blessings in my life. I love that writing stories is my job, one I sometimes even get paid for. :) But I think I’d be kidding myself, and the rest of you, if I said it was easy all the time. The fact of the matter is that writing can be difficult. Muses can be elusive. The publishing industry can be a cold-hearted, ghost of a boss. At times competitors seem to find the answer, the trend, the right connection, the words sooner and faster than you.

So today’s blog post is one of motivation. A little boost, to you and your writer’s soul. Hang in there. Keep writing. Tell your story. But first, pause, read these words of encouragement and know that you are not alone in your struggle and pursuits. I’m happy to ride the wave alongside you. Sometimes all you need is a little inspiration!

And the Award Goes To

I love awards shows, especially the movie shows. Sure, it’s fun to see the fashion, but really, for me, and probably many other creatives out there, it is the Super Bowl of the arts. I tear up at the dreams and goals achieved, am inspired by the passion with which the award winners speak and am hungry for the words they choose to share while standing in the light of their 60 second platform.

So today, for my blog post, I’ve gathered a few of my favorite quotes spoken during this year’s award season. I hope that these words inspire you to reach for your own dreams, to keep fighting the good fight and to know that your work, and your words, matter.

High Hopes: A Song for 2019

The very first number one song on the Billboard Pop Charts for 2019 was High Hopes by Panic at the Disco. This feels a bit serendipitous for me, because I had recently chosen it as my new theme song. The lyrics of the song speak to dreaming big dreams. Brenden Urie sings of the power of hope and positivity and making it despite the odds. Even if you are strange or weird or your dream seems wild and unattainable to the rest of the world. A true American dream anthem. (The tune is catchy as hell too, so it’s got that going for it as well!)

The Writing Life: Honestly It’s Not For Everyone

Over the past year, the state of Nebraska has launched a new tourism slogan. “Honestly, it’s not for everyone.” In a world dominated by twisted truths and false advertising I find their candor refreshing. I also think that their marketing campaign phrase could accurately describe the life of a writer. Life as a writer can be hard, and solitary, and populated with more paper and ink that people.

Being a writer means purposefully subscribing to a life of working and waiting. Rejection, writer’s block, maddening plot holes … the list goes on. And honestly, it’s not for everyone. Despite its challenges, the writing life is one I love. It is one I am fighting tooth and nail to not only be a part of, but to be successful in. For me, the working and waiting and all the struggles I mentioned above are worth it.


November is Gratitude month. If you’ve been on Facebook at all recently, you may have seen your friends’ gratitude posts. These conscientious friends are participating in an experiment put together by The Grateful Planet Facebook Page. To participate in the experience is simple. Each day in November, publicly state one thing in your life for which you feel grateful. I haven’t been playing along on a daily basis, but on the eve of the day our country gives thanks, I find myself truly grateful for a lot of things.

Why is Writing Be Any Different?

Several days a week I go to the YMCA, around noon. As I walk around the elevated track, I watch the basketball games going on below. Each day around 20 people are gathered, making enough for 4 complete teams for two simultaneous games. These people show up in the middle of the day, in a public space, to do what they so clearly enjoy. They will be back tomorrow.

And if I had to bet, I would put money down on the fact that they talk about their games outside of the gym. I bet they dramatically tell about the perfect shot while miming a hook shot… in the living room, at the grocery store, or while picking up their kids from daycare. I’d also be willing to wager the responses to their stories are not phrases like this… “Dude, give it up. You’re never gonna go pro.” “Seriously? Back at it again?” “Have you signed a sponsor yet?” “Wait? You pay someone… to LET you play basketball? Something you could do at a public park for free?”

My question for you today is this: Why is writing any different?

Don’t Wait, Write

“I’ve been procrastinating the start of this new journal. I bought it intentionally early – even though my last one still has about 25 blank pages. That previous red journal chronicles this last school year. There is so much baggage between the covers of that journal and I want to leave it behind. I don’t want to take any of the old ugly into my new journey. So I bought this lovely new journal.” – My journal, June 9, 2018

Conversations With Myself

Tomorrow is my last day of full time school.

Since the Fall of 1987 I have spent five days a week, nine months a year, at school. Eighteen of those years were as a student, twelve were as a teacher, and three were both while I earned my Masters Degree.I estimate I have had 85-90 teachers over the years and taught more than 1,000 students.  Needless to say, education, whether as a student or as a teacher, has dominated my life for quite some time. Really, education has been the dominating presence and force OF my life.But when I wake up Friday morning all of that will change. 

Literary Citizenship

We hold our favorite stories and their creators in high esteem, putting them on pillars of achievement and enjoyment that is difficult to match. Those of us who wish to join that world by tossing our hat into the ring as writers, often have visions of what this world will look like, feel like, be like. In our day dreams, the literary world is one that appears shining and glittery.But the real thing, sometimes isn’t as fabulous as we had hoped. No, banked on.The Literary World, from start to finish, is a crazy beast. Often lonely. Often disappointing. Often heartbreaking.

Big Things Start Small

The Write Space (Parts 1-4)

In this series of four posts I chronicle the process of carving out a physical writing space for myself. From the initial ideas to the decor, from inspiration to the finished project. Come check out the journey of my writing office. Pictures included! :)


Word Nerd Love

Typically, on this day devoted to St. Valentine, we celebrate the love we have for one another. But this year, I’m going to do some word-nerd loving as well. (Don’t worry, all three special someone’s in my household have been appropriately showered with sweets and affection! There may also have been a few books involved!)Last month I was asked, twice, “why do I write?” For me the answer boils down to love.

Impostor Syndrome

Lately I find myself dwelling on Impostor Syndrome, wondering if I might be walking down that road. Normally I am a very confident person, especially, when it comes to the area of teaching. I have multiple degrees and licenses, not to mention twelve years of experience to back me up! But I feel a little different about my writing.


“You’re going on a writing retreat?” my son asked. “I don’t get it. Retreat means backward.” He then raised his arms, adopted a panic-stricken face and shouted, “RETREAT!” as if commanding a thousand foot soldiers. To further prove his point, he bolted from the kitchen and dashed across the living room to hide behind the couch.

As I giggled at his sense of enthusiasm and wild imagination, two thoughts entered my mind. 1. I desperately hoped that I would not embody his run, duck and cover methods while taking a break from life to accomplish some writing. I want to be bold, strong, courageous, and steadfast when approaching my words. 2. Our English language is a beautifully and frustratingly complex phenomena.

2018 Word of the Year: Evolve

As I wrote my 2017 word of the year recap a majority of my brain focused on reflecting over the past year and the way my choice of the word connections influenced and impacted my actions. Both 2016 and 2017 were tough for me. Not in a sense that they were quote, unquote,bad,but they were work. My life has seemed to lack flow and ease.I knew ahead of time that the choices we were making as a family… that the commitments we were making as a family would be… work. I knew that balancing and juggling all of our responsibilities and still managing to hold the humans and dreams we loved close to us, would be demanding. But I also knew that the challenging road we laid out before ourselves would not stretch on forever. I knew that this land-of-in-between would eventually morph into a landscape that would be more manageable, a terrain that was less formidable.As I move into 2018, I am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel.


Many people and cultures believe, that as humans, we travel through life with a collection of spiritual guides. Some believe that these helpers show up in the form of spirit animals, and that through them we can learn life lessons and wisdom. For the past month my spirit animal has been roadkill. I have been feeling ugly, squished, caught unaware, and flat out spiritually assaulted. Just when I feel like I can drag myself back onto my feet, a semi truck comes along and knocks me flat again. These situations have left me a mess on the inside, as well as the out. My brain has been full of hateful, horrible things that find their way out of my mouth.

The Roaming Poet

I spent last weekend in Denver, visiting my sister-in-law and her husband. It was a great, adult-only, getaway, full of all the typical Colorado tourist destinations. We watched a Rockies game, toured the Coors Brewery and wandered through the shop and restaurant filled Union Station. We had a lovely dinner at my in-laws’ house, enjoying good food and good company, without the presence of Midwestern mosquitos. One of my favorite moments of the trip, however,  came on the last day of our trip when we visited the historic bookstore: Tattered Cover.

Advice from a Cocoon

My friend Colleen and I just spent a week on a writing retreat in the cocoon of her family’s cabin home in Northern Minnesota. In the quiet isolation of the lake we were able to reset our creative clocks and write with purpose and vigor. Free from the demands of our typical schedules and responsibilities we were able to write for hours, stay up late, skip normal meal times, indulge in two hour Skype collaborations, brainstorm, dream, strategize, and then, write some more.It was incredible, but after five days it was time to leave our cocoon and head back into the real world.

Swear Words

I confess that last week while at the Y, I dropped an F bomb. My exact words were, “Ahhh, F***, life is hard right now.” It wasn't loud, but I remember because the lady next to me opened her mouth a little and stared a bit as I forcefully closed my locker shut and stalked away.

And you know what? It made me feel better. Just like always, giving words to life, in this case, twenty minutes of frustration, a meaning. Words gave me a way to express and understand my life. And because this taboo word is a bit rebellious, it made saying it out loud feel even better. Because when life is being a little b****, fighting back with a well place F bomb makes me feel like I can battle back. Yeah life can be hard sometimes, but you know what? I got this. I can do it.  F you public meltdown. I can handle you and the next one too. Just like always, words saved my day.

Happy Blogiversary to Me!

One year ago today I wrote and posted my very first blog entry. Happy 1st Blogiversary to me! When you plunge a tiny seed into the unknowable depths of the future, you never know the crop you’ll yield. It’s hard, sometimes, to take the time, energy and courage to plant these seeds, with the knowledge that there is no guarantee they will grow. And to be honest, not all of them will grow. So then why? Why do we do it? Let me tell you.
