Learning with the Word Nerd
The clichés are getting old. I know. We are in unchartered territory. These are unprecedented times. We’re all in this together. The more we stay apart, the closer we get to reaching our goal.
As trite and annoying and overused as these phrases may be… I think they do make us feel a little better. There’s something comforting in knowing we are not alone. That others are experiencing similar emotions and struggles and makes our personal suffering more bearable. These phrases give us hope.
I’m starting my blog post in this way, because I’m about to repeat some of these commonly heard phrases and sentiments, and I want you to know that my offerings are not empty. I truly believe in the power of collective kindness and that if we all contribute what we have to the common good, we really will make it through all of this.
One of the many crises currently facing our nation is the uncertainty surrounding the upcoming school year. No matter how kids are doing school, it’s likely very different from the status quo. Teachers, parents, legislators and community officials are all scrambling to make the right decisions and do what they think is best. The result is leaving the main priority, high quality instruction, off the radar. We are all so busy figuring out logistics and communicating safety plans that our administrators, teachers and parents aren’t able to focus on a major component of school: LEARNING.
(Side note: This is not a slam or critique of any school/official/decision. They are being asked to complete herculean tasks with no playbook. I do not attempt to judge their efforts or decisions, nor would I want to be in their shoes for a second. These public servants do not deserve anything less than our support.)
So, what do I have to offer?
Even though I’ve moved to teaching at the college level, I see the panic, frustration and worry via my educator husband, sons, friends and former co-workers. I know that this is hard. It is different than anything we have experienced before. (Trite saying #1… in case you are going to count!) I wanted to do something to help. So, last week I started a new Facebook page called Learning with the Word Nerd. On it I plan to share resources, books, tips, and ideas for teachers and parents who have suddenly become at home educators.
Last spring, we dipped our toes in the school-at-home-waters, but we never expected to be asked to sustainably and sufficiently swim there long term. I know in my household we felt like we punted through last spring, but NOW, we want to do better. We don’t want our boys to simply maintain their educational levels, but grow, just as they would in regular school.
I’m guessing that many others feel the same way. However, this leveling up will not come without some work. That’s where I want to come in and help.
I have 12 years of public-school experience. I have taught middle school English language arts and reading for longer than my children have been alive! I have both a BS and master’s degree in education as well as an additional reading license that certifies me to teach reading to humans aged birth to twenty one.
On my Learning with the Word Nerd page I will share the cumulative goodness that these degrees and years of experience have gifted me. I want to make your life a little easier by providing tried and tested resources, vetted books and fun activities. I’ll probably throw in a few memes and contests from time to time to keep things light and fun as well.
Here are a few of my first posts.
Pssst! Check back on this page every Wednesday for the opportunity to play and score great prizes!
I’d love to be able to help as many people as possible make it through this complex educational predicament. If you know a teacher or at-home-educator, please share this post with them and encourage others to like Learning with the Word Nerd on Facebook. If you have a specific question or educational problem you’d like help with, email me and I’ll brainstorm some options and solutions ASAP. I’ll likely share my answers on the page so others can benefit from your curiosity and critical thinking as well. Together we really can make it through this.
All my best, the Word Nerd, Amanda Zieba
Today’s post post was made beautiful by CANVA. You can check out my blog archive collection here.
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